Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Gone, Baby, Gone

Dear Reader,

And, trust me, if you are reading this you are very dear to me!

After learning there's already a blog called The Daily Om-- which was established well before mine--  I decided it would be quite un-yogic of me to feign ignorane and press on under a name I have loved, but could not hold on to in good conscience. Plus, now that I've reconciled myself to the fact that I'm more of a weekly ohmer than a daily ohmer I figure the universe is telling me it's time to hit the reset button and move on dot org.

Hence, I have renamed my blog The Gaily Planet and moved on to WordPress. The latter choice was motivated by my all-knowing-social-media-svengali, Ron, who tells me that WordPress is the place to be for serious bloggers; while the former choice was inspired by my nickname, Gaily.

It's rare for a proper name to do double-duty as an adverb, but as this picture of me and my big brother Randy demonstrates, mine is perfectly apt in terms of how I've always motored through life. I'd just blasted Randy with a stream of water from that fountain: which I thought was the most hilarious thing in the world. And it's still the little things in life that crack me up.

Not that The Gaily Planet will be all fun & games...

But why take it from me when you click on the link below, look around, and form your own opinion?

My new address is:

Please feel free to pass it on and, again, thank you for keeping me company my virtual word!

xo Gail

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